Thursday, September 25, 2008


I got a phone call from Lincoln's school on Tues, It was his principal. The message she left said that Lincoln had hit his head and had a pretty big gash, and that I needed to come get him! As I drove to the school I thought of how quickly life can change. Of course It never crossed my mind that one of my kids would get really hurt at school, you always think they are safe. I felt so bad for him, he had hit his head on a metal stair railing while walking out during the fire drill. Anyone who knows Lincoln can absolutely see this as a possibility! He has what we like to call the "Dunn" speed which is short for no speed at all! By the way I did not inherit this speed thanks to my mom's side of the family! Poor Lincoln his shirt was covered in blood, with towels drenched also. It broke my heart when I saw him sitting there. He held it together until we got into the car and then he decided to cry. He is such a strong boy. He laid in the hospital with not a tear or a flinch as they numbed and stitched him. Had this been Addy or the twins we would have had to put a straight jacket on them. He is one tough boy!! It makes you appreciate having healthy kids and never taking anything for granted!!


Adam J. said...

poor toodle bop i was thinking it was his forhead he is lucky he did not poke his eye out i think about how he sat there and was afraid his brain was damaged and it makes me sad

Unknown said...

poor lincoln...... he's a boy, bound to have some stitches!

Sandra said...

Oh goodness! I am glad he is okay, that would be a scary phone call to get!

Krista said...

Hi Hillarie! This blogging thing is kind of fun. I have not seen you for years. You have a darling family! Krista

Lesa said...

i cant believe he didnt bawl!! My boys scream thier brains out evrytime they have gotten stitches. They are whimps(like me:) baby is doing good and i just need about 10 more years of lortab and recovery!!!

Rachel said...

I can totally see Linc walking calming for the fire drill and then bashing his head. He is definetly brave. My kids would have done well until the saw me. Give him a hug for us.

Nicolodemos said...

Hi Hillarie, it's the Nicolodemos family. I never check our blog, not much of a blogger. There are much more current pics of Nathan on my facebook page. If you do that, contact me, Nicole Nicolodemos. Thanks for always keeping in touch, let us know if you ever want to see the boys.