Monday, September 1, 2008

The end of summer....

We decided to have a final mini vacation before the craziness of school etc begins... We headed to Niagara Falls and to the African Safari in Canada. Part of the Safari is just driving your car through the "jungle" to see the wild animals! The kids loved it because they could get out of their seats while we were driving. Addy was a little tense when Lincoln read the signs to her that said "dangerous animals please lock your doors and keep your window's up!" This is the kids in the back of the car looking out for the wild animals!These baboons were hilarious they got on peoples car and rode through the park!
Twice a day the elephants march through the streets to go for a swim- The kids loved seeing them hold onto each others tails and walk right by us!
This is Jack annoyed with the rocks in his crocs!!!
Niagara falls on the American side.....