Thursday, April 24, 2008

Springdale Farms~

Living in Rochester my kids have not been exposed to any sort of farm life, besides a dog and the squirrels that live in our backyard! It was spring break and actually nice outside for once, so we drove to a place called Springdale Farms. They got to see the dairy cows, horses, brand new baby sheep and pigs. They loved it! We also visited the zoo this week, had picnics, and Lincoln and Addy did tennis camp! A lot of people escape Rochester over break and go to Florida, luckily we had great weather and the kids could play outside all day! Addy posing with the cow!
Lincoln and Addy checking out the baby sheep born 2 weeks ago~
Spencer and the baby goat
The whole crew, checking out the geese!


Rachel said...

Your family is growing so fast. We can't wait to seem them in July. Love you guys.