Tuesday, March 24, 2009


3 years ago our little family doubled in size!! Weighing in at 5'15 and 4'7 Jack and Spencer entered the world! I will never forget that day! They have brought so much energy and emotion (sometimes in the form of tantrums) into our family! I would not change a thing. They have changed us all in so many good ways. I sometimes say that they have aged me with their constant motion, but they have also given me so much laughter that can never be replaced! One example of the humor/potty talk happened a few weeks ago. They were laying in bed having one of their nightly conversations and I heard one of them say "me no like Barrack Obama" followed by "put him in the potty!" They are big time Mama's boys, which can sometimes be tiring. It also brings great rewards of hugs, kisses and comments like "mommy you the best mommy ever!" They melt my heart!!! This is my Jackie boy opening one of his many Thomas the train gifts...

This is Matt letting them take a bite out of the cake after the Happy Birthday song!

Here is Spencer opening his presents. It was soo cute all day long they sang and danced to "Happy Birthday to me!"

Blowing out the candles..they could hardly contain themselves or wait for the cake to be on the table!!


Natalie said...

Your family is so cute. I can't even imagine having twins while they were babies!! I bet that was so busy (and still is).

Amy said...

If you had told me back in the old days when we snuck out and rode bikes to Bob's that you would be having twins someday I wouldn't have believed it! They are so cute! What fun for you...double the trouble but double the fun!

Katie said...

Hill! Soooooooo cute! I always hoped I would get twins, it looks so fun and makes me tired at the same time! You have got to love the 3 year olds, the things they say, oh my gosh! Yesterday Shelbee said well, I've dot to doe poop adain, see ya yater. Then she headed down the hall to the potty. I hate that she is growing up, probably since she is my baby! Post some new pictures of your new house. How do you like it?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hillarie... do you know that you can set facebook to publish your blog posts so you don't have to do it on both.....it will show in the news feed as a new note and it shows the pictures and text. I love it! Again I love the picture with the mouth full of cake! And the baby picture is sweet sweet!

Rebecca said...

Love the pics of the twin's bday! They are such cuties. And I totally love the Obama comment they were making, hilarious!!! I bet it's so cute to listen to the conversations they have with each other. Make sure to journal or record those somewhere - they are priceless treasures!!!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday guys!! We love you and your gift was mailed today. Come see us soon!!!