Saturday, August 9, 2008

Distracted by a vampire named Edward!

This is what happens when a mother of four children decides to get caught up in a 700 page book (breaking dawn)!Addy got some little girl make up for her birthday, and while I was in haze pretending to be married to a vampire, they decided to test it out on each other! Addy with her wonderful purple and pink shimmery make up!!
This is Jack... I am still finding glitter stuck to his scalp!
Lincoln.... he wanted his washed off quickly before daddy got home from work!!!!
last but not least.... Spencer with his Rosy pink cheeks!!
I did finish the book, although I am still washing sparkles and glitter off of tables and the bath tub!!! It was worth it to be with Edward in my own little world for those couple of days~


Amy said...

Okay, every mother can relate to these pictures. I am laughing out loud. I have purposely not bought the book yet, knowing the havoc my kids will wreak on my whole house if I do. Too funny.

Lesa said...

hahaha!too funny. I finished this last sunday and now I want more. It was fun to read all those books, who knew,SFHS paying off. 6 weeks left til im done being prego for the rest of my life. I feel like I have a baby vamp kicking to get out!!!!

Adam J. said...

you keep changing your background that one is cute demi found a binkie of the twins and now she calls it her new binkie

Rachel said...

I love the pictures, the sacrifices that we make to live in our fantasy world for a few hours. We miss you guys tons, the kids are constantly talking about the stuff we did in Utah.

Rebecca said...

Are you still calling Matt Edward as well Hillarie? How does he like that one? Too funny! I really enjoyed the book and how it wrapped everything up. I think though I need to send you the shirt I won at the Breaking Dawn party since it applies more to you "I'm in love with a vampire named Edward, did I mention I'm married and have kids?"

Jackie said...

Hey Hillarie,

How are you doing? I just wanted to let you know that the class of ’92 has a blog. It is Come and check it out. I would love to add your blog to the alumni list, but I want your permission before I do. So leave a comment and let me know that it is ok to add you.

Happy Blogging!
Cute Blog!